Mississauga and Candles  - Blog Article

Mississauga and Candles

Even in the subtly of a candle you can find zen in your immediate time in life, just based on the simplicity of candles and how they have worked for centuries.



The changes happening in Mississauga and the surrounding GTA are tremendous.  We are getting closer and closer together with the new transit system being installed and the upcoming winter.  Staying warm indoors will always be a priority in January of any year around the Greater Toronto Area - not to mention Toronto itself!  

  That being said we have had the pleasure of being in the city of Mississauga for over a year now.  The candle shops we are finding and some of the "deals" that are offered online are missing that customer experience element. 


Same Old Thing


Basically - anyone not named Yankee Candle has to step it up in order to really create the experience this city deserves. 


 What do I mean?  There are about 1000 Paraffin Wax Only stores that all offer different selections of colors and super strong scents - that also produce black smoke - you can choose from. 

If your not already familiar - Paraffin Wax is going the ways of the dinosaurs eventually.  We have a blog talking about just that here


 " Coconut Wax, Custom Concrete Vessels, Designer Scents At Bargain Prices."


The new demand screams for a message and an accountability piece to really usher in culture to mix with the demand of candles.  Whether scented or unscented, its apparent as we grow as a newly acquainted community - candles will play a part.  What type and what experience is going to come down to us continuously getting the message out there that your mental health and your aromatherapy matter! 

 New Store Owners


Even in the subtly of a candle you can find zen in your immediate time in life, just based on the simplicity of candles and how they have worked for centuries.


Have questions about Mississauga/GTA and candle trends that weren't answered here?  Reach out and email me at akeem@candlescartel.com :) 


Check out Our New YouTube Channel Here!! We release shorts right now and will be coming out with a podcast soon. It's definitely a vibe.


 Just Light it! - Candles Cartel supports all Canadians and Americans striving for Mental Health, Mental Clarity and Stress Relief through our candles and communication.

  Our Location, Mississauga Ontario, Toronto Ontario


🙏🏿 TY for reading 

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Candles Cartel, Team Candles Cartel, Candles Cartel Akeem Aman, Candles, Scented Body Candles, Candles for Stress Relief, Candles for Anxiety Relief

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