There is a bit ore to candles than just the home decor and fragrance that a a candle can give off. Here are 21 Health Benefits to Burning Candles
1. Do Candles Help with Sleep?
Candles definitely help with sleep. It's important to understand how rare it is a gift to find something that soothes, relaxes you and smells good + will be there in the morning. Seriously though certain scents help with things like sleep such as lavender - which has been know for ages to help in that department.
From; " the truth is that scented candles can have a positive effect on our sleep quality. Scented candles are a form of aromatherapy after all."
2. Do Candles Help with Timing?
Yes they can. Basically you want to burn your candle for about 3 - 4 hours during the day. A day that can be filled with all sorts of distractions. By burning a candle, you can basically keep mental footnotes as to when things are going on outside of constant phone notifications and reminders from friends.
3. Do Candles Help with Memory?
That's right, candles can help with Memory as well. Its all about the decor and design that creates a lasting impression right? Well for me it was family that had a really cool set up that involved green tapered candles I can't forget. What about you? Was it a church or a relatives house or your own home when you were younger where candles played a part? They can help you remember surroundings especially if its scented.
4. Candle Scent Literacy
Wouldn't it help to remember to be able to call out quickly what your smelling? Usually we are surrounded by food type scents - so we know the difference between a fast food joint and pizza shop. But what about different floral scents?
There are thousands of them, candles help remind you of scents you may not be familiar with. You benefit by sounding more sophisticated plus could come in handy somewhere in the future. Like for instance picking out a cologne or perfume as a gift. Or recognizing scents around you that you may not have noticed before. This may open up your senses to explore different candle scents you may not be familiar with yet, adding to your budding self expression.
5. Candles to Create Ambiance
Like Forward Line says;

6. Mood Improving Candles
Candles are decorative within the home. Decorating by itself, helps accent the mood within the home to be more positive. Don't just take my word for it - here's the Home Design Institute feel on it:
The importance of decoration is to improve the look and feel of your home. There are many different types of decorating styles for a variety purposes. Each style comes with its own taste, meaning, connotation, or cultural base. The most important consideration is what type of feeling you wish to bring into your home.
Mood's can be swayed by the event of days or heck sometimes just the thought of Monday Morning Traffic. But you can bring back the good vibes by decorating with a candle. And of course another thing to note is the scent. By adding a bit of lets say Japanese Cherry Blossom to go with your new looking space, you can really bring out the best in yourself.
7. Travelling with a Candle
Why travel to Jamaica or Aruba with a candle? Because it can make you feel like home even when your far away. Plus its beautiful on a sunset beach. Nothing like a bit of romance on a getaway right? Also lets talk about the anxiety approach. Your not from there and your far away from home. Sometimes it can get lonely as well when your travelling. By having a candle, kinda creates a comfort factor while your away.
Best way to package it up is getting a lid if its a jarred candle. After the lid, if you have shrink wrap or aluminum foil just to protect it. You can put the candle into a bag. If there is a secure part in your luggage back you can place the wrapped up candle, do that. Even if your dealing with Tapered, the trick is you don't want them to break. Your probably going to want to take it out of the holder, wrap it up in shrink wrap. If you have a few, package them together in a either box. Or if you have a small plastic tote or food container like what you'd put dry pasta noodles in, this would be good.
You want to make sure nothing can crush them basically while your travelling. The more secure they are the less chance they get damaged when your baggage is being "handled" by Airport Staff.
8. Do Candles help with Mental Consistency?
By lighting a candle a certain time of day it can breed a strong routine. Having a good routine can help when your trying to accomplish tasks. For example, by having a routine to drink water 8 times a day, your making sure your body has enough water. Its the same thing with candles.
Say you were to light a candle once a day, every afternoon. You could start to even measure your behavior as a before-you-lit and after. If you found you were less energetic or more impulsive prior to, you could watch for triggers that led to that. By avoiding such triggers, your energy may be better or you may be less impulsive on your decisions. That may lead to better overall behavior, mental approach and positive attitudes. Those benefits may lead to more steady outcomes which makes you more consistent. This is just an example of how to create routine with a candle.
Everyone's lives are different but rest assured, candles can help visually give you a sense of timing.
9. Candles for Self Care
Do you have a stuff nose and a headache? A lemon blossom candle would help. How about a lack of sleep? You could try a lavender scented candle, as it's known to promote good sleep. Details like those are important if your approach is self care. Maybe it's just more energy you need? Floral scented candles can promote positive vibes. These details can help when your trying to pick out a candle to help you in self care.
10. Do Candles Help with Anxiety?
From ABC News: "
11. Candles for Meditation
Candles for ages have been used in meditation specifically. They are dedicated types of Votive candles traditionally used for such methods. Here's Healthline's credible opinion on it:
" Experts and some research suggest that candle gazing meditation can help enhance cognitive function, mental health, and spiritual connectedness.
- increased cognitive performance and focus.
- improved memory and spatial attention.
- improved mental health.
- improved sleep quality.
- improved eye health. "
Candle meditation in the Western World is new but something that is growing as candles become more popular in our modern society.
12. Odor Eater Candles
Burning a scented candle in a regularly used public space in the house can easily fight the funk literally. Think about a particular bathroom, or place in the kitchen - like near the garbage by the back door. You can fight those smells with a scented candle.
13. Using Candles for Self Expression
With 1000s of scents to choose from, you have many options when expressing yourself. Do you feel more in an autumn mood or a spring time sort of mood? You like Green or Orange? Where would you place it? All of those fill in answers come from you. If you're living with people, this may be another reason why its good to maintain your own self expression. By using a scented candle it can also come off as subtle.
14. Subtle Scented Candles
Candles don't demand a ton of attention. Sure you want to snuff the wick after a few hours but outside of that - they aren't in the way. You want to place candles in a space where they are visible, so you can keep a good eye on it. By placing a candle in a high foot traffic area, you create a subtle approach to your scented candle.
15. How to Support a Local Candle Shop
As a people we're always talk about politics and news. What about luck? Not directly telling you our candles are also lucky but think about it. I mean you support a small business, helps your local community out as we are selling candles to assist in mental health.
16. Re-usable Candles Near Me
Now this one is a more modern style on how candles can be used. As we speak we are working on a formula that will allow refills of your candles as well as custom candle vessels for everyone in our community! We will reveal more on a later blog.
17. Variety of Shapes of Candles
This leans more into self expression but focuses strictly on shape. Most candles are cylinder shaped objects that have a wick in the middle. We now have food shaped candles, body shaped candles and many more creative pieces hitting the market. The thought of a candle itself is expanding more and more from the traditional votive and tapered types. Imagine red phosphorous relighting candles on a birthday caked candle?
18. Do Candles help with Stress?
"It is scientifically proven that scented candles can play an essential role in the physiological effects of mood, stress, working capacity, and overall mental health," Chryssa Chalkia, an accredited clinical integrative psychotherapist and cognitive behavioral therapist, said.
Seems candles definitely help with stress but what about prayer?
19. Candles for Prayer
From " Lighting a candle for someone is a way to both extend your prayers and show solidarity with the person the prayer is being made on behalf of. The faithful also light candles as a sign of gratitude to God for answered prayers. Many of these candles are traditionally made of beeswax, and there is a reason for this. "
We also know that coconut wax is just as natural and healthy. Check out our blog here on coconut wax benefits.
20. Candles for Romance
As cliche as a box of chocolates can be on Valentines Day, nobody denies candles. Traditionally people are born 9 months later from a candle light dinner themed evening or some sort of romantic candle lit bedroom set up. That's because candles can help set the mood (see above). If the mood is right and there's candle light it's on tonight - could've been a slogan. Candles come around times of special occasions. To really remember that moment. Just remember that saying this coming Valentines.
21. Easy on the Eyes
From the they talk about a practice that...will help to relax and strengthen the muscles around the eyes by relieving nervous tension..." they have a whole breakdown here that details exactly how and who should be doing this exercise. But even without the exercise it seems folks benefit regardless just by having candle light in their view.
Have questions about burning a candle that weren't answered here? Reach out and email me at :)
Check out some of our handcrafted coconut wax body candles that Team Candles Cartel has come up with here!
Just Light it! - Candles Cartel supports all Canadians and Americans striving for Mental Health, Mental Clarity and Stress Relief through our candles and communication.
🙏🏿 TY for reading