Cartel Convos Episode 1

Cartel Convos Episode 1

All The Changes Coming To Our Delivery With These Episodes Are Exciting And Growing...


 We have a new approach to this.  We love our message and of course creating more blogs was always the plan.  The focus this year though is a bit different.  

We are in the year 2023 now and why not adjust to what has already been a demand?  We have a new years resolution to save some time and get a chance to actually speak about a few things. 


Sarah in Cartel Convo Episode 1


The biggest thing we want to accomplish with these Cartel Convos is creating dialogue between you and us.  We want to make sure you don't just have to read what we have to say but can comment on a platform your already use to.  The thing is, talking about mental health - or relating stories of what we've heard online and reacting to it - works a lot better with YouTube videos. 

Episode One Recap

Basically this was a chance for us to introduce ourselves to you.  Getting a chance to just express what this message is all about.  We discussed Sarah's Digital marketing days, how and when we started doing Candles Cartel back on Juneteenth of 2020 - the craziness of it all - and the recent Oshawa Event. 

We also took time to express the birth of Candles Cartel which involved a tragic loss. 

  We are always working hard to improve on what were doing here.  The YouTube videos quality and our clarity will continue to improve.  I'm very happy to be a part of this and we will update you with another recap after the next one. 

Check out Cartel Convo Episode 1 Here

 Cartel Convo Episode 1


Have questions about Cartel Convo Episode 1 that weren't answered here?  Have a suggestion for our next episode?  Reach out and email me at :) 


Check out Our New YouTube Channel Here!! We release shorts right now and will be coming out with a podcast soon. It's definitely a vibe.


 Just Light it! - Candles Cartel supports all Canadians and Americans striving for Mental Health, Mental Clarity and Stress Relief through our candles and communication.


  Our Location, Mississauga Ontario, Toronto Ontario


🙏🏿 TY for reading 

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Candles Cartel, Team Candles Cartel, Candles Cartel Akeem Aman, Candles, Scented Body Candles, Candles for Stress Relief, Candles for Anxiety Relief

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