Candles Cartel Three Years Later

Candles Cartel Three Years Later

Progress and consistency are not easy to achieve, but the path walked is worth the journey. We are pleased to let you know we are inspired to continue to create and continue on this road to success. Please stay tuned to our YouTube Channel and our blogs as we come out with more every day.   

Candles Cartel's Start

 We started Candles Cartel together a month and a half after the London tragedy (click here) on June 19th 2020. "Calevre", which was our original business name, is an online shop dedicated to helping people feel more relaxed, similar to how we do things now.  The difference is we had lip and face products.  Sarah didn't feel comfortable telling folks what to put on their skin and, without having vast background knowledge in the skin care industry, I agreed and we started implementing a change to just selling candles, as oppose to the former.  Sarah has been making candles for over 10+ years now, as arts & crafts could be considered something of a passion in the Congolese community throughout the world.   Jamaican and Barbadian culture is where my family hails from and combines all three cultures in our North American perspective to give you Candles Cartel.  Throughout our three years and the forseeable future we aim to continue providing relaxation through aromatherapeutic candles.  

The Mississauga Move 

 Read more about how we went from Hamilton, Ontario to Mississauga here.
Candles Cartel
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Switching To Concrete Jars

 After we got into Mississauga and realizing the market, we decided to switch things up a bit in how we made our candles.  The glass jar feel has been done and so we wanted something a bit more unique like concrete jars.   Check out some of the benefits to concrete jars here.  

Our YouTube Channel

 From 0 subscribers this time last year to 400+ isn't too bad and Sarah Z has been great at providing constant content with more to come that way! 
Check out our YouTube Channel here.

Events in 2023 

 We are grateful to have already been to multiple events this year.  With our new mobile service underway and being able to get to and from a bit easier, we will have a ton of events we will be going to late fall and in the wintertime.  We will keep you posted on our Instagram Page, Facebook Page and Google Business Profile.
Brighter Days Candle

What's Next For Candles Cartel? 

  Progress and consistency are not easy to achieve, but the path walked is worth the journey. We are pleased to let you know we are inspired to continue to create and continue on this road to success. Please stay tuned to our YouTube Channel and our blogs as we come out with more every day.   
Have questions about "Candles Cartel"  that weren't answered here?  Have a suggestion for our next video?  Reach out and email me at :) 
Check out Our New YouTube Channel Here!! We are releasing shorts right now and will be coming out with a podcast soon. It's definitely a vibe.
 Just Light it! - Candles Cartel supports all Canadians and Americans striving for Mental Health, Mental Clarity and Stress Relief through our candles and communication.
🙏🏿 TY for reading 
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