Workplace Anxiety

Workplace Anxiety

Outside of the extremely legal document you signed to not use your phone in the office, dealing with often irate clients at work or the pooling the amount of 1 minute conversations  into this weird blobby thing called work social life... 


 I could give you stats but it doesn't matter as much as the real pressures we go through.  There's a couple of factors to think about here.  We all "have that friend" that has their own business or runs their own brand and advertises it on YouTube.  We also all "have that friend", for some the same person, that is super good at "flipping stuff".  Similar to what Gary Vaynerchuk talks about, we are going into a new environment entrepreneur wise.  But what about the old environment? 


Anxiety At Work


 The older environment of working; an exercise of transporting yourself to your gps's most recent location and translating your talents into your job .  Involving things like, other bad drivers or rude people on the bus, or maybe its the dreaded Sunday evenings leading to those cold blue mornings by the station waiting for the GO westbound.   Travelling to work sucks but not as bad as actually getting there. 

Blue Mornings


  The actual office energy is usually a touch lower than what you'd want on a perfect day.  Outside of the extremely legal document you signed to not use your phone in the office, dealing with often irate clients at work or the pooling the amount of 1 minute conversations  into this weird blobby thing called work social life - the work days slowly wind down to practicality usually by lunch but can be tough to see through the fog in the morning.  


Click Here For Episode 1

Cartel Convo


  Comparing the older environment to the modern work from home style environments or even hybrid is night and day.  Unfortunately, what happened in 2020 changed the dynamic in the workplace - hopefully forever.  The changes may drop the amount of anxiety we have when dealing with Mondays or at least make them a bit better to deal with. 


 In our bias opinion the key in 2023 is controlling your time.  If you can control your time you have a better chance controlling that pent up stressed out feeling anxiety can give.  We have sadly all been through it and it can drive you to not like your job and/or social life.   

Just Light It 

Have questions about Cartel Convo Episode 1 that weren't answered here?  Have a suggestion for our next episode?  Reach out and email me at :) 


Check out Our New YouTube Channel Here!! We release shorts right now and will be coming out with a podcast soon. It's definitely a vibe.


 Just Light it! - Candles Cartel supports all Canadians and Americans striving for Mental Health, Mental Clarity and Stress Relief through our candles and communication.


  Our Location, Mississauga Ontario, Toronto Ontario


🙏🏿 TY for reading 

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