In my opinion, Mental Health Awareness shouldn't be exclusive for one month. No matter how it shakes down, this month provides a rare insight on actions provided for suicide prevention for many that go through it, whether on record or not.
We are going through one of the most impactful unemployment spikes in recent history, we have so many issues facing Canada let alone the rest of the world at this time and it's during times like this we have to ask ourselves, what are some tactics folks use to get past tough times like this and still be consistent?
Mental Health Awareness September
If you do quick math on that, it's less than 3 life times ago that folks started talking about mental health as an actual issue that many go through. Years later and we are still pretty quiet when comparing the stories, posts and info a lot of us see shared everyday on X, Facebook, Instagram and Tik Tok just to name a few!

Institutionalization by Public Opinion
One reason folks may stay quiet is because the stigma that comes from having a a grasp on ever-developing concepts like mental health awareness. By which I mean some find it tough to reach out for resources regarding their betterment when in modern times it's still frowned upon to do a such thing believe it or not.
The Thin Line Between Genius & Madness
There are also a small amount of people who are unconventional thinkers and solve problems differently than the rest of us. That being said, this unrepresented group of people actually are one of the larger groups "harrassed" in a sense.

From geediting.com;
Mental health awareness dictates understanding positioning & timing more than anything else . That being said, the reactions in social situations that these unconvential thinkers may display can at times put them at odds with a group even in situations where their minority opinion is actually correct!
This is where the term "Institutionalization by Public Opinion" comes in. Subjective thinking to approach a critically objective problem may result in a misunderstanding and thus a hasty conclusion. I've had friends and folks I went to college with be told to reach out to "betterhelp" just based off a difference of opinion with folks or a group.
Mental Health Awareness: Lester Donaldson 36 Years Later
I'm proud to be the great grand nephew of Lester Donaldson, who passed August 9th 1988 a year before I was born. His passing was not naturally caused unfortunately and involved the creation of the SIU.

During that time the death of my Great Uncle who was diagnosed with paranoid schizophrenia and was unfairly treated as a constant target for the cops caused uproar within the Toronto community.

Mental health awareness came up again not too long ago again in a devastating way during May of 2020.
Caleb Tubila Njoko & Candles Cartel
If your not already familar with why we started Candles Cartel in the first place, the notable death discusssed above as well as this unfortunately:

Caleb's passing kicked off our path to subtly helping those allievate mental stress and promote mental health awareness with candles & scents. If you want to know more about how we started check it out here.
Have questions about who Caleb, Lester Donaldson or Mental Health Awareness or Candles Cartel that weren't answered here? Have a suggestion for our next video? Reach out and email me at akeem@candlescartel.com :)
Check out Our New YouTube Channel Here!! We are releasing shorts right now and will be coming out with a podcast soon. It's definitely a vibe.
Just Light it! - Candles Cartel supports all Canadians, Americans and all throughout the world striving for Mental Health, Mental Clarity and Stress Relief through our candles and communication.
🙏🏿 TY for reading