Hip Hop and Candles  - Blog Article

Hip Hop and Candles

Candles and Hip Hop make beautiful music together - especially when Hip Hop takes a chance at making candles a more popular thing.

Hip Hop is all about the vibe.   Its about how you feel about the rhythm of the song - the mood a good artist may put you in or may be just what's on your mind.  Candles do the same thing but just in a scented sort of way.  Depending on what your feeling like - you may light a Brighter Days Candle, Pink Friday wax melt - all depends on your vibe.


Drake is always talking about vibes and moods as do many many artists because they understand the importance of setting a tone or reacting to a difficult day and talk about it in their music.

 As Hip Hop has changed through the years, the sound evolved.  The essence of what makes a talented artist has not though.  Drake, Lil Dirk, A$AP Rocky all have helped lead the charge for online music.  For the candle side of things, online is newer than going to a store and buying them traditionally.  These things change over time and more and more people are buying candles online - we plan on being one of the frontiers for that end to help our community no matter where they are. 

Putting together Hollywood and Rappers we see folks like Lil Dirk and his lovely girlfriend India sport their relationship and personalities through YouTube which gives them even more access to candle lovers around the world which is really cool to see for us at Candles Cartel.

Drake and Travis Scott have recently opened up their own businesses in the very old yet modern world of Candles.  Their timing shouldn't be a big mystery as we are approaching Christmas & invading your home with the scent of a multimillionaire rapper seems appropriate.  Just joking! 



What we love about this the most here at Candles Cartel about the creative candle push revolves around the pioneered effort of both to innovate and introduce a new way to express the greatness from our minds as artists and lovers of our culture. 

Regardless of their results individually, both of these guys have sprung forth a creative way to improve and introduce their ideas and what's stunning is that the product had a past stigma of being more of a females idea which hints towards the lack of transparency our culture had prior to this launch.  Men love candles too and this isn't a new thing. 


Here at Candles Cartel we predict that this actually may be a gold rush of sorts where folks (not just hip hop artists although they initially started it like most things in our modern day sound and look) will start to encompass their scents with their music and look.  All should take note that prior to this there was just the colognes and perfumes that folks would buy to smell like their musical idols.  There is something very spiritual behind the candles as well as therapeutic and we hope that continues to a brighter tomorrow in mentality and approach for the casual fans turned candle fans.


Check out some of our handcrafted coconut wax body candles that Team Candles Cartel has come up with here


 Just Light it! - Candles Cartel supports all Canadians and Americans striving for Mental Health, Mental Clarity and Stress Relief through our candles and communication.


  Our Location, Mississauga Ontario, Toronto Ontario


🙏🏿 TY for reading 

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Candles Cartel, Team Candles Cartel, Candles Cartel Akeem Aman, Candles, Scented Body Candles, Candles for Stress Relief, Candles for Anxiety Relief


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