Mental Health Candles  - Blog Article

Mental Health Candles

When you inhale our candles, it stimulates the part of your brain that is connected to your memory and mood. 

Mental health is the reason we created Candles Cartel. In May of 2020 we lost someone near and dear to our hearts who also had his own struggles with mental health. After his passing, we discovered that aromatherapy can be used not only to aid in the grieving process but aromatic essential oils can be used to improve mental health. The actual aroma from the oils triggers the emotional centre of our brain that is also connected to the memory. 


Studies have shown that scents can trigger positive emotions and memories better than visuals such as  pictures. Positive memories put us in good moods, and being in a good mood helps to reduce stress.


At Candles Cartel, we use aromatic oils in our candles. When you inhale our candles, it stimulates the part of your brain that is connected to your memory and mood.  So when it comes to ways to improve your mental health, Candles Cartel’s aromatherapy candles collection is a good place to start. In fact all of our candles are made with scents to improve your mood and leave you feeling calmer.


 Just Light it! - Candles Cartel supports all Canadians and Americans striving for Mental Health, Mental Clarity and Stress Relief through our local candle shop and communication.


  Our Location, Mississauga Ontario, Toronto Ontario



🙏🏿 TY for reading 

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Sarah Z - Founder of Candles Cartel
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