How To Find Wholesale Candles Online  - Blog Article

How To Find Wholesale Candles Online

It can be as difficult as finding a new iPhone on New Years Eve.  The reason has a lot with timing.  Local candle shops need time to process those bulk orders.  That's why we created a system to get your order ready in a few days...

 Where To Find Wholesale Candles Online


Wholesale Candles aren't easy to find.  Take it from me! Prior to getting into the candle business, trying to find candle deals online was nearly impossible.  Part of what Candles Cartel strives for is making life a bit easier for candle lovers everywhere.  So we created our own wholesale candle deals for you!


So what's a Wholesale Candle? 

Basically a wholesale candle is usually referred to as a group of candles called wholesale candles.  They're called that because you get way more candles for way less price.  A wholesale deal is when you order a bulk of candles and get a discount while doing it.  A local candle shop bulk order generally start at 50 candles.  For us it's 25 candles - just saying.


 Where To Find Wholesale Candles Online


Who Offers Wholesale Candle Deals? 

Generally nobody really offers the public wholesale candle deals.  There are multiple reasons why a company may want to just keep those deals under wraps.  The biggest reason is pricing usually.  Lots of companies don't want to give their customers the best bang-for-your-buck that they can.   


Why Is It Difficult To Find Wholesale Candles?

It can be as difficult as finding a new iPhone on New Years Eve.  The reason has a lot with timing.  Local candle shops need time to process those bulk orders.  That's why we created a system to get your order ready in a few days.


Where To Find Wholesale Candles Online


 Where Do I Find Wholesale Candles?

Point blank it's super hard to do.  Typically, you'd have to have a registered business plus know someone in a candle company to get a preferred rate.  If your looking to bulk order (like on Black Friday or Christmas) most candle shops may require you call them.  When would you have time do that?  Pre-ordering may be another way to get around it.  That takes time though and there has to be an existing deal. 

There are places that will offer bulk candles but customs, duties and fees can become an issue as most local candle shops don't take those sorts of orders online.

Outside of those options we offer wholesale candles.  We want non-business owning, regular people to have a chance just like businesses do for bulk order options. 


We offer wholesale candles to our Candles Cartel Community + bonus Cartel Points for those who have a free account.  Check out our blog on our rewards system here


Where To Find Wholesale Candles Online



Check out some of our handcrafted coconut wax body candles that Team Candles Cartel has come up with here


 Just Light it! - Candles Cartel supports all Canadians and Americans striving for Mental Health, Mental Clarity and Stress Relief through our candles and communication.


  Our Location, Mississauga Ontario, Toronto Ontario


🙏🏿 TY for reading 

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Have questions about wholesale candles that weren't answered here?  Reach out and email me at :)

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