Market Peach Fragrance Oil 759

Market Peach Fragrance Oil 759 Candle: The Scent of Summer

Market Peach Fragrance Oil 759. It's unique and has captivated the minds of many throughout its exposure not only to the cosmetic community but...

Blasting on to the "scent scene" recently has been Market Peach Fragrance Oil 759.  It's unique and has captivated the minds of many throughout its exposure not only to the cosmetic community but the candle community as well.  That said, what is up with this scent and does it have any benefits? 

The Power of Prunus Persica

Ancient Roman Peaches:

The Prize of Old World Persia's perfect picture of "Pretty" had a lot to do with Peaches.  Good old Emperor Cladius (41-54 AD) and other Roman Emperor's loved to use peaches in extravagent dinners like the Dinner with Caligula (source).

Market Peach Fragrance Oil 759
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Ancient Chinese Peaches: 

Peaches of Immortality was trending in the algorithm way back in the day and the prophetic were aware of this.  They used peaches as a source of healing.  But why Peaches?

Peach Benefits: 

As I like to say for all who follow my blogs, don't take my word for it.  Let's check out a well known source and what they have to say about the benefits: 

"Peaches hold a wealth of nutrients that are good for your eyes. Examples include vitamins A, C, and E; lutein and zeaxanthin; copper; and zinc. The vitamin A in peaches is key to skin health, as it supports the constant process of replacing old skin cells with new, healthy cells. It also helps protect your skin from damage by free radicals. Peaches are a good source of vitamins C and K, which your body uses to heal wounds. Vitamin E boosts your immune system and helps your eyes and skin stay healthy. Small amounts of zinc are also good in helping your blood clot and your thyroid work, in addition to helping your vision. Copper helps your bones and teeth grow, protects your cells from damage, and helps your immune system."

If you want to know more including Cancer Prevention click here for the WebMD article.

Market Peach Fragrance Oil 759 comes into play when we think of the Peach Kernel Essential Oil extracts used to create the scent.

Market Peach Fragrance Oil 759: In Summary 

As far as the actual benefits for the peach oil itself, Nature In A Bottle writes:

"Peach Oil also has anti-inflammatory properties that help to reduce the appearance of puffiness, dark spots, under-eye circles and wrinkles. Its delicate marzipan-like smell makes it an excellent base to combine with other ingredients to make essential oil serums, shampoos, moisturizers, and massage oils ". 

So when it comes to Market Peach Fragrance Oil 759, you know you are getting something good!

The Peaches
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Peach Candle Ripe For Picking

The Market Peach Fragrance Oil 759 in candle form so far is unique to us in our local area.  Check it out below.  We offer it also the exclusive scent itself for less than what you'd typically find as it's main purpose is for candle/perfume making.

Market Peach Fragrance Oil 759 Candle

Have questions about our "Market Peach Fragrance Oil 759 candle" that weren't answered here? Have a suggestion for our next video? Reach out and email me at :) 

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 Just Light it! - Candles Cartel supports all Canadians, Americans and all throughout the world striving for Mental Health, Mental Clarity and Stress Relief through our candles and communication.

🙏🏿 TY for reading

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