How To Make Mother's Day Concrete Coasters

How To Make Mother's Day Concrete Coasters

concrete coasters starts off as a simple trip to Home Depot after feeling inspired by YouTube content

Concrete Coasters From Home

 The creative passion it takes to make concrete coasters starts off as a simple trip to Home Depot after feeling inspired by YouTube content (see link below),... 
YouTube Shorts Link
 ...followed up with actually attempting the project in real life, which may take some careful planning.  For that reason, we have gone through the trouble of providing some steps to how you can create your own concrete coasters from home.  

 Silicon Molds, Patience and Heavy Bags

 So now you have the desire how do you start the fire right? 
This takes some thinking but the question I would demand to know is, "How soon can you order the right molds?".  With so many vendors to choose from, finding the right mold for your project will be a challenge, but not one you cannot overcome.  
 This takes some getting used to, but with the right attitude and enough gas, you're now ready to shop at Home Depot or a cement mix vendor alternative, for the current heavy bag of cement mix.  I call it a heavy bag because, well, it's heavy!  No matter the weight, it's important to remember that it's the only way to create concrete coasters. 
Concrete Coasters for Mothers Day
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Safety Tips 

 The fact that your dealing with something heavy should not stop you at all.  With some help from on-site customer service reps or friends, family etc.,  you can get the bag into the vehicle.  Please be warned you can risk straining your back if your not careful with the weight.  
  Another tip is to use latex gloves.  If your creating concrete coasters, not having gloves when mixing the cement or not having a hair net when attempting to create a masterpiece can result in disaster.  
 Please note, concrete drys quicker than you may think.  You're going to want a clear space when attempting anything with concrete.  You also want to make sure everyone else around, including pets, are in a safe place.   You're going to need to concentrate on what your doing. 
 If you want candle safety tips, you can click here

First Attempt w/ Concrete Coasters

  The first thing I would you do is review what you already know: 
 Now that you have a grasp of what you want to accomplish, let's go through a quick checklist: 
Clear space
Mixing Bowl/Cup
Mixing Tool (silicone spatula,  spoon, etc.) 
Water source for mixing
Silicone Mold For Concrete Coasters
Good lighting
Cement Mix
Cement Pigment 
Conrete Sealer

Continued Practice

Mother's Day Concrete Candle Coasters
 After a while, you will nail down your technique and tendencies with ease.   At that point, you can now start to create your own concrete coasters. 
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 Just Light it! - Candles Cartel supports all Canadians and Americans striving for Mental Health, Mental Clarity and Stress Relief through our candles and communication.
🙏🏿 TY for reading 
Blog Author Candles Cartel
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