*Warning* Candle Refill Restrictions

With anything else in life there comes things you can and cannot do.  For simplicity we laid them out here

  1. We Cannot Refill Unusable Vessels* - to double check if we can use the vessel please feel free to message us first on WhatsApp, Facebook, Instagram, X or you can call or text as well.
  2. We Cannot Refill A Vessel With Too Different of a Scent - if you ordered a Coffee & Milk candle and now you would like a lavender scent, we may not be able to fulfill that order.  The reason being is not only the constrating difference between those two scents.  The concerete vessels themselves absorb some of the scent as well so it may not be possible to simply switch to a contrasting scent.  Something we are still working on but wanted to be clear about it for your expectation purposes.
  3.  Mississauga Area Only...For Previous Clients Only - as of right now we can offer this to specifically local clients that have ordered from us before or local people who are looking to order from us with refilling the candle in mind sometime in the future. The closer you are to our posted Google Maps address the more likely we can promptly fulfill the refill for you.  I will personally update everyone once we successfully have integrated steps to scale this option for the world to use.
  4. Refillable Candles May Not Last Forever - This isn't a restriction but something to keep in mind. Do the jars last a very long time? Yes, however that is in a perfect case scenario where they are not being handled or touched meaning the chances of the jar you have lasting forever may not be as likely as something happening before that.  In that case ordering a new candle may be easier than refilling something that is broken or damaged or simply unusable.  This decision making process is done during the "Review" segment of the order. 

Legend Definitions:

*unusable vessels

ən-ˈyü-zə-bəl, ves.əls

i.e. broken, damaged. dirty candle vessels unusable for Candles Cartel operating purposes.  Candle vessels that are in perfect condition but not created by Candles Cartel. Vessels deemed unusable after review from Candles Cartel staff.